introductory video
We study molecules, cells, and organisms as living machines: imperfectly optimized products of natural selection which consume energy to achieve specific goals. Our research covers a wide range of length and timescales, from protein function, computational cell biology and evolution, to the physics of active systems. A successful exploration of biological questions needs a strong two-way interaction between mathematical theories and experiments. We have very close collaborations with a number of experimental labs at NCBS and elsewhere.
funding and support

The Simons Centre for the Study of Living Machines is supported by the National Centre for Biological Sciences and the Simons Foundation.

We aim to combine experimental and theoretical methods to understand the collective dynamical behavior of populations. Ex. competition and cooperation in bacteria
A large part of our effort at the Simons Centre is in exploring new physical and chemical principles underlying biological organization across scales

This interface theme links all the activities of the Simons Centre with computer science and biology. We hope to play a critical role in nurturing this interface.