Launch of the Simons Centre for the Study of Living Machines, NCBS-TIFR

NCBS is delighted to announce, in partnership with the Simons Foundation, the creation of the Simons Centre for the Study of Living Machines. The new Centre will build bridges between theory and experiment, support post-doctoral fellowships, and host long-term visitors. Please join us as we celebrate this milestone.

Venue: Dasheri Auditorium, NCBS

4:30pm: Opening remarks by Satyajit Mayor, Director, NCBS

4:35pm: Remarks by Mustansir Barma, Director, TIFR (via video)

4:40pm: Remarks by Spenta Wadia, Director, ICTS

4:45pm: Madan Rao: Introduction to the Simons Centre

4:50pm: Madan moderates a discussion on the role of theory in biology Panelists: Rob Phillips, Sriram Ramaswamy, Boris Shraiman

5:15pm: Mukund Thattai: Vote of thanks and intro of Madhu Venkadesan

5:20pm: Colloquium by Madhu Venkadesan: How throwing made us human.

6:00pm: Refreshments in the Colonnade

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