Emergent Structures in an Active Polar Fluid: Dynamics of Shape, Scattering, and Merger

TitleEmergent Structures in an Active Polar Fluid: Dynamics of Shape, Scattering, and Merger
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsHusain K, Rao M
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Start Page078104

Spatially localized defect structures emerge spontaneously in a hydrodynamic description of an active polar fluid comprising polar “actin” filaments and “myosin” motor proteins that (un)bind to filaments and exert active contractile stresses. These emergent defect structures are characterized by distinct textures and can be either static or mobile—we derive effective equations of motion for these “extended particles” and analyze their shape, kinetics, interactions, and scattering. Depending on the impact parameter and propulsion speed, these active defects undergo elastic scattering or merger. Our results are relevant for the dynamics of actomyosin-dense structures at the cell cortex, reconstituted actomyosin complexes, and 2D active colloidal gels.

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